Once upon a time…

The Goodtimes story started many years ago at Weltec in Wellington. Two budding chefs were learning their trade, and whilst they knew each other, Rewa and Andy didn’t……..”know each other”. Years later, they met while working in Australia where they discovered exactly what it is that goes into preparing the perfect plate. After travelling and soaking up a wide range of cooking styles, they headed home to Aotearoa.

Arriving home, they had a desire to make kick-ass food available and accessible to everyone, which meant they moved away from the idea of a restaurant. Instead, they brought in a business partner by the name of Muriel, whose personality and accommodating ways meant that amazing food could be served on the street, to anyone and everyone.

Meet Muriel, a grand old girl with a mile of style

Muriel is a genuinely beautiful soul. She was born in 1971 to the Bedford whānau, and after a rich and rewarding life, she made the very wise decision to join Andy and Rewa as part of the Goodtimes team. Muriel is iconic around “Marty”, she’s old, she’s cumbersome and she has a heart of gold. With Muriel, we have a product that we feel is genuinely unique. People love her, we love her, and we enjoy seeing the smiles on the faces of our customers who taste that little bit of magic that we’re making at Goodtimes Food.